N.B. Deze post is van het oude systeem, ik sta vanwege die reden niet garant voor het kloppen van werkende en goed gevormde plaatjes, links (intern en extern) en andere van dat soort zaken
Yeah, I know.. intended to write semi-regular updating pieces of text in a language I was not raised in, don’t use fequently, and surely don’t think in. Anyway, to make a long story short, since I returned from Panama, I wrecked a car, got me a new one, lost a job, but found a new one of those as well. By the end of this week, I’ll be fabricating monochloroacetic acid. Sounds dangerous, and, indeed, this stuff is highly toxic, but the only things I have to prevent are eye/skin contact, inhalation and ingestion… the kind of things you dan’t want to try with overheated steam either 
Unfortunately, because of this new job, I won’t be able to travel north to visit Skänninge Marken anymore, but I’m quite sure I’ll be able to be there next year.
Eclipse-wise; I have booked a nice desert-tour to be able to watch the next total solar eclipse from the north Sahara, and, although I haven’t made any firm arrangements, I almost know for a fact that I’ll manage to get to Spain in time for october’s annular eclipse.
Although I’m not yet sure what my destination should be; the region of Valencia, or Madrid? In Valencia annularity will last slightly longer, but in Madrid the Planetario de Madrid has organised a public viewing in the park where the planetary is situated. Sounds nice.
Further on; there appears to be a plague of white grubs; the larvea of May Bugs. Everywhere around, green plants turn to a brownish colour, since white grubs tend to feed themselves with plant-roots.
Oh.. and I finished reading the Half Blood Prince.
That’s about it.. any questions?